Monday, March 8, 2010

EXERTION GAME by. Patrick Kim

To begin with, exertion game is known as an innovative gaming method that requires intensive physical activity from its players. Its motif is focused on developing games that can actually be beneficial in our real lives unlike conventional video game that causes numerous health problems in the long run. There are existing exertion games out there such as Jogging over a distance, Table tennis for three, Push and Pull, Breakout for two and Shadow boxing in a distance and fortunately, they were successful in gathering peoples interests.

First of all, for the current project, we have been given specific tasks that are

- Games that require intense physical effort from its players.

- Fully implemented game.

- Employ practical method.

- Games that does not involve screen.

- Get your audience excited.

In top down order, these points indicates that we must consider about intensity & length of the game, mobility of the game, practicality of the game, screen-less game and visual impact of the game. Although I wasnt capable of coming up with perfect exertion game which involves all the tasks, I was able to generate a game that can visually and physically appeal to audiences. The image below contains details of my exertion games and the method I employed.

The game is simple structured. You can think it as typical sparring except, your opponent is motionless.
You can either use punch, kick or both and there are three different modes for it.

You can set the mode by simply pressing button underneath the model’s foot. You can also set the time and the minimum time you can select is 30 seconds. There are three different scoring for the game that are ‘Critical blow’, ‘Paralysing blow’ and ‘Normal blow’. Critical blow is done when the model’s vital points are hit. Paralysing blow is done when the model’s skelental joints are hit. Normal blow is done from hitting anywhere except critical and paralysing blow points. these three distinguishing points determine who will be the winner. There are two different scoreing systems that can be choosen before the game starts.

When kicking mode is selected,
the player can kick the model any-
where he wants.

When punching mode is selected,
only the impacts applied on upper body
(from thommy to head) will be recognised
by the computer.

The sample image shows boxing pose,
yet, you can choose to use your own
punching method.

Two of more players can compete each other.

When the game is finished players have to give warm embrace to the model :D

This game has included certain aspects of typical exertion game:

- Significantly depends on physical activity (requires intensive physical effort)

- Relatively long playing time (can set the time as long as you wish)

- Includes acceleration process (fosters exhaustion)

- Cooperative & Capability to compete (provides motivation)

This game has fulfilled certain tasks given during the lecture:

- Games that require intense physical effort from its players. (Y)

- Fully implemented game. (N)

- Employ practical method. (Y)

- Games that does not involve screen. (Y)

- Get your audience excited. (Y)


  1. I'm totally digging this idea, it can be used as a training aide for boxers, tae kwon do and practically anything else that involves your fists.


  2. That is really well thought out! I'm impressed! ^^

    Does the level of strength in kicking or punching impact the score?


  3. Yes, the level of strength in kicking or punching impact the score PROVIDED system 1
    is selected. Players can either pick system 1
    or system 2 before they start the game.

    i did my best describing how those 2 different system works up there but.. looks like it was misleading =,/ if this keeps going on i will fix it. me suck at explaining D:

  4. wow, yea very Impressive you have rally thought this through :D. looks good for letting out some frustration or anger hehe :P.

  5. Ah okay thats cool! Glad you thought two different systems because those without the strength would go for system 2(like me haha).

    Don't worry you explained well. =)

