Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tactical Exertion Game by Justin Gan

I will currently name this project the "Tactical Exertion Game" for lack of a better name currently. This game will be in teams of 2 and the maximum amount of teams that could be playing at any one time shall be 2-3.

I'll let the images do the talking for now, and I'll explain in more detail at the end.

Parts that need explaining :

How would we be able to track players?

There are several ways we can do this, the controller will first have to exert force to press a button which would send a message containing, L, R, U, D which stand for Left, Right, Up and Down, and the player will receive this on his or her phone.

Tracking of players can be done by using Iphone Friend Tracker Apps, but I am considering this idea to be invalid now, because it will utilise a screen.

Another way of doing this would be through the use of a walkie talkie. Since walkie talkies will already have different frequencies available, each team would be able to have their private channel. The controller, activating the button will play a recorded sound of L, R, U and D, and the runner will hear it on his/her walkie-talkie. Tracking through this method might require an additional person acting as a tracker? Will need to consult Floyd lol.

Will there be more interesting ways of playing this?

Most definitely, with the inclusion of human "NPCS" that give out hints strategically positioned inside the building, the controller can choose to either go for the hints first or hunt for the item based on the first clue.

Furthermore, a controller may choose to get a hint simply to block other teams from getting team, as once a hint is given out, other teams will not be able to get them from that 'NPC".

Further updates and thoughts to refine this game will be posted =)


  1. great idea to just use an existing app (friend tracker) to do the work, outsource as much as you can, and then try it out!
    Well done!

  2. hay i just tried out the friend tracker app. it's crap! very inaccurate. looks like we have to find other methods to replace that!
